• ⬇️상담 문의 안내 ⬇️

    ⬇️ 링크로 들어가세요!

    🌟 CEM 가족 여러분께 알립니다! 🌟

    안녕하세요, CEM 가족 여러분!
    이제부터 숙제 제출이나 문의 사항이 있을 때, 아래 링크를 통해 미팅을 예약해 주세요.
    🔗 미팅 예약하기
    서로 시간을 조율하는 번거로움 없이 편리하게 예약하실 수 있습니다!

    여러분의 노력은 매일 조금씩 성장하는 발걸음이에요. 💪💙
    오늘도 최선을 다하는 여러분을 응원합니다! 🌟

    🌟 Dear CEM Family! 🌟

    Hello, CEM family!
    From now on, if you need to submit homework or have any questions, please schedule a meeting through the link below:
    🔗 Schedule a Meeting
    No more hassle of finding a matching time—just book at your convenience!

    Every step you take brings you closer to your goals. Keep going! 💪💙
    We’re cheering for you! 🌟

    🌟 ¡Querida familia de CEM! 🌟

    ¡Hola, familia de CEM!
    A partir de ahora, si necesitas enviar tareas o tienes alguna consulta, agenda una reunión a través del siguiente enlace:
    🔗 Reservar una reunión
    ¡Olvídate de la molestia de coordinar horarios y reserva fácilmente!

    Cada esfuerzo que haces te acerca a tu meta. ¡Sigue adelante! 💪💙
    ¡Te apoyamos! 🌟

    🌟 Liebe CEM-Familie! 🌟

    Hallo, liebe CEM-Familie!
    Ab jetzt könnt ihr eure Hausaufgaben einreichen oder Fragen stellen, indem ihr über den folgenden Link ein Meeting bucht:
    🔗 Meeting buchen
    Kein umständliches Abstimmen von Terminen mehr – einfach und bequem reservieren!

    Jeder kleine Schritt bringt euch näher an euer Ziel. Bleibt dran! 💪💙
    Wir glauben an euch! 🌟

    🌟 亲爱的CEM家庭!🌟

    🔗 预约会议


    🌟 CEMの皆さんへ 🌟

    🔗 ミーティングを予約


    🌟 Keluarga CEM yang terhormat! 🌟

    Halo, keluarga CEM!
    Mulai sekarang, jika Anda ingin mengumpulkan tugas atau memiliki pertanyaan, silakan jadwalkan pertemuan melalui tautan berikut:
    🔗 Jadwalkan Pertemuan
    Tidak perlu repot mencari waktu yang cocok—cukup pesan sesuai kenyamanan Anda!

    Setiap langkah kecil membawa Anda lebih dekat ke tujuan. Terus semangat! 💪💙
    Kami mendukung Anda! 🌟








Beginner's Start

 - Learning English
Introduction to language, grasping basic words and expressions.

 - Shamrock
The beginning, as a seed starts to grow.

Beginner's Start

 - Learning English
Introduction to language, grasping basic words and expressions.

 - Shamrock
The beginning, as a seed starts to grow.

Establishing Roots

 - Learning English
Building a foundation with grammar rules, sentence structure, and fundamental vocabulary.

 - Shamrock
Developing roots for stability and nourishment.


- Learning English
Progressing to more fluent expression, expanding vocabulary, and enhancing communication skills.

- Shamrock
Growing distinctive leaves, showing visible signs of development.


- Learning English
Exploring various language aspects, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

- Shamrock
Expanding foliage and branching out in different directions, symbolizing diversification.

Maturation and Integration

- Learning English
Achieving a higher level of proficiency, cultural integration, and a deeper understanding of the language.

- Shamrock
Reaching full maturity, integrating into cultural symbolism and becoming a part of traditions.

Easy English Reading Class

This class focuses on reading beginner-friendly English books to help students build confidence and improve their language skills. Each week, we read a section together, focusing on understanding expressions, practicing pronunciation, and strengthening reading fluency. Through guided practice, students will not only enhance their vocabulary and speaking abilities but also enjoy exploring English-language stories in a supportive environment. This class is perfect for those who want to practice reading aloud and learn useful expressions in a relaxed, step-by-step format.

쉬운 원서 읽기 반
매주 함께 책을 읽으며, 다양한 표현을 배우고, 발음 연습합니다.  이 수업은 영어 왕초보자도 쉽게 읽을 수 있는 원서반입니다. 어휘와 말하기 능력을 향상시키는 데 집중합니다.

⚠️ 주 1회 수업

Mandatory Reading Class

This class is designed for those who want to read alongside their children and enhance their own reading and comprehension skills. Each session, we will read a few chapters from books suitable for children in Years 2–6, followed by reading comprehension exercises and a brief reflection. This class not only helps participants practice reading and understanding English but also prepares them to share the joy of reading with their children. It's an excellent opportunity to build confidence in English while fostering a love of books for the whole family.

이 독서반은 챕터별로 읽고 독해 연습과 짧은 감상문을 작성하여 공유하는 시간을 갖습니다. 이 수업을 통해 영어 읽기와 이해력을 키우는 동시에 자녀와 책 읽기의 즐거움을 나눌 준비를 할 수 있는 독서반입니다. 

⚠️ 주 1회 수업

Weekly News Presentation Class

In this class, students will select a news article of their choice fortnightly and present it to the group. This activity encourages learners to stay updated on current events, practice summarizing information, and improve their presentation skills in English. Through discussing a variety of topics, students will gain confidence in expressing their thoughts, asking questions, and engaging in lively discussions. This class is ideal for those looking to build their speaking skills and deepen their understanding of English as used in real-world media.

이 수업에서는 학생들이 격주로 자신이 선택한 뉴스 기사를 소개하게 됩니다.
최신 뉴스/이슈를 접하면서 정보를 요약하고, 영어로 내가 선택한 기사를 발표하는 연습을 합니다. 다양한 주제에 대한 토론을 통해 여러분들은 각자의 의견을 자신감 있게 표현하고, 질문을 주고 받으며 답하고 활발한 대화에 참여하는 연습을 하는 반입니다. 실제 미디어에서 사용되는 영어를 이해하고, 말하기 능력을 키우고자 하는 분들 여기로 오시면 됩니다!

⚠️수업은 격주로 진행합니다.

1일 1영어 챌린져스

실생활에서 쓰이는 유용한 숙어

이 과정은 일상 영어 표현을 자연스럽고 자신감 있게 사용하는 방법을 배우고 싶은 분들을 위해 준비되었습니다! 매주 흔히 쓰이는 표현 하나를 배워보고, 언제 어떻게 사용하는지 실생활 예문을 통해 익힙니다. 매일 개별 과제를 통해 이 표현을 실전에서 적용해 보고, 점점 더 편하게 사용할 수 있는 자신감을 키우게 될 거예요. 실생활에서 유창한 영어 표현을 쓰고 싶은 분들에게 딱 맞는 과정입니다—하나씩 차근차근 배워봐요!

⚠️수업없이 숙제로만 진행하는 daily English 입니다. 

Self-Paced English Practice Class

This class is designed for independent learners who want to build their English skills through focused homework. Students will complete assignments three times a week, each taking around 30 minutes. The tasks include dictation, reading practice, speaking exercises, and writing activities, allowing students to improve across all core languages skills. This flexible format ensures consistent progress while fitting easily into a busy schedule. Perfect for those looking to sharpen their English on their own time with structured guidence.

이 수업은 주 3회 각 30분 정도의 숙제를 하는 코스입니다. 숙제는 받아쓰기, 읽기, 말하기 등 꾸준히 영어 실력을 다질 수 있는 유연한 형식으로, 체계적인 지도가 필요하지만 자율적으로 공부하고 싶은 분들에게 적합한 수업입니다.

⚠️수업 없이 주 3회 숙제만 하는 코스입니다.

Korean Basics for Beginners

Ready to dive into the world of Korean language and culture? Korean Basics for Beginners is here to help you get started! This course is designed for non-Korean speakers who want to learn the essentials in a fun and approachable way. Whether you're learning for travel, K-dramas, or just for the joy of it, this class will give you the tools to used Korean confidently in everyday situations.

What you'll learn:

1. Hangul Made Easy: Step-by step lessons to help you read and write the Korean alphabet. It’s simpler than it looks!

2. Must-Know Phrases: Master greetings, introductions, numbers, and key phrases to get through daily interactions.

3. Basic Conversations: Practice simple dialogues like ordering food, asking for directions, or talking about your day.

4. Grammar Without the Headache: Learn how Korean sentences work, with clear explanations and lots of examples.

5. Cultural Tips: Discover Korean customs, etiquette, and expressions that will help you connect with native speakers.

Site announcements

MISSION AUSTRALIA together we stand.

- the Mentoring Mate Cat の投稿

Hey Everyone,

I'm excited to share that we made our first donation to Mission Australia on February 15, 2024! This is a big step for us as we work together to support kids who need help with their education. Education is super important for kids because:

  1. It opens up better opportunities and a brighter future.
  2. It helps break the cycle of poverty and lets kids achieve their dreams.
  3. It promotes equality, making sure all kids can learn no matter their background.
  4. It builds critical thinking skills and fosters innovation, driving progress in society.

You're a key part of this initiative because Cat's English Mates contributes a portion of your tuition fees to this cause. Together, we're making a real difference in these kids' lives, and I appreciate your support and participation.


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